The 4-H moto is “To Make The Best Better”, and we do that every day at our training center facility.
Having the space for our clubs to meet is a key part of that mission, and our team identified the need for more of it in our space. To solve this problem, Saratoga County 4-H staff and volunteers embarked on the mission to build a new, state of the art meeting space on our grounds.

Many things were taken into consideration when building this new space. Our team had some key goals they wanted to meet in this project:
– Make an open and inviting space
– Make the space accessible to every member of our community
– Add additional restroom facilities to the grounds
– Maximize storage in the building
– Make the building as energy efficient as possible
– Include the technology needed to make the building a great multi-use space

We have made huge strides in making this project a reality, but we have not passed the the finish line yet.
Select an option below to get more information on the project.


We are still looking for project sponsors for the. There are many ways you can help!
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, Please take a look at our sponsor letter, or the list of items we are still looking for.

Project Goals

We had many goals in this project.
Click here to learn about what they were, and how we met them.

Saratoga CCE Website

The button below will take you to the Cornell Cooperative Extension website

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